electronic spreadsheets

Q.1. What is a cell and how is it referred in OOo calc?

Ans. A cell is the basic unit of data storage in a spreadsheet.

In OOo Calc, a cell is referred to by its unique address, consisting of a column letter and a row number, e.g., A1, B2, C3, etc.

Q.2. What do you mean by a range of cells?

Ans. A range of cells refers to a group of adjacent cells in a spreadsheet, specified by the address of the top-left cell and the bottom-right cell, separated by a colon (:).

Example: A1:C5, where A1 is the top-left cell and C5 is the bottom-right cell.

Q.3. What is the difference between a worksheet and a workbook?

Ans. A _worksheet_ is a single spreadsheet within a workbook, where you can enter and manipulate data.

A _workbook_ is a collection of one or more worksheets, often used to organize related data and calculations.

Q.4. Why do you freeze some rows /columns in a worksheet?

Ans. You freeze rows or columns in a worksheet to keep them visible on the screen while scrolling through the rest of the data, typically to:

- Keep headers or titles visible

- Preserve important data or formulas

- Make it easier to navigate and analyze large datasets.

Q.5. How is splitting of screen useful?

Ans. Splitting the screen in a worksheet is useful because it allows you to:

- View and work on multiple parts of the worksheet simultaneously

- Compare data or formulas in different areas of the worksheet

- Easily navigate and scroll through large datasets.

Q.6. What are the different types of data that can be entered in OOo calc?

Ans. In OOo Calc, you can enter the following types of data:

1. Numbers: integers, decimals, and currencies

2. Text: words, phrases, and sentences

3. Dates: dates and times

4. Formulas: mathematical expressions that calculate values

5. Functions: pre-built formulas that perform specific calculations.

Q.7. Differentiate between mixed referencing and absolute referencing by giving suitable examples.

Ans. _Mixed Referencing:_

A mixed reference is a combination of relative and absolute referencing.

Example: A$1

- The column letter "A" is relative, meaning it will change if the formula is copied to another column.

- The row number "$1" is absolute, meaning it will remain the same even if the formula is copied to another row.

_Absolute Referencing:_

An absolute reference is a reference to a specific cell or range of cells that remains the same even when the formula is copied to another location.

Example: $A$1

- Both the column letter "$A" and the row number "$1" are absolute, meaning they will remain the same even if the formula is copied to another location.

Q.8. What is the difference between copying and moving a range?


_Copying a range:_ Duplicates the data, leaving the original range intact.

_Moving a range:_ Transfers the data to a new location, removing it from the original location.

Q.9. What is formatting? Why/how is it useful?

Ans._Formatting_ refers to the process of changing the appearance of data in a spreadsheet, such as font, color, alignment, number format, and borders.

Formatting is useful because it:

- Enhances readability and visual appeal

- Highlights important data or trends

- Organizes and structures data for better understanding

- Helps to differentiate between various types of data.

Q.10. How will you format dates so that dates appear in a format similar to the 26-january-2022?

Ans. To format dates in OOo Calc to appear in a format similar to "26-January-2022", follow these steps:

1. Select the cells containing the dates.

2. Go to Format > Cells.

3. In the Format Cells dialog box, select the "Date" tab.

4. Choose the date format "DD-Month-YYYY" (or a similar format).

5. Click OK.

Alternatively, you can also use the "Format" toolbar button to quickly apply a date format.

Q.11 List atleast three examples where general formatting is useful?

Ans. Here are three examples where general formatting is useful:

1. Highlighting important data: Formatting cells with bold font, bright colors, or borders can draw attention to critical information, such as totals, averages, or deadlines.

2. Differentiating between data types: Using different font styles, colors, or alignment can help distinguish between different types of data, such as text, numbers, or dates.

3. Creating visual hierarchy: Formatting can help create a clear visual hierarchy in a spreadsheet, making it easier to read and understand. For example, using larger font sizes for headings and smaller font sizes for data can create a clear distinction between the two.

Q.12. What are the different components of chart? Explain.

Ans. The different components of a chart are:

1. Title: The main heading of the chart, describing its content.

2. Legend: A key that explains the colors, symbols, or patterns used in the chart.

3. Axes: The horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) lines that provide a frame of reference for the chart.

4. Gridlines: Optional lines that intersect the axes, helping to read and interpret the data.

5. Data Series: The actual data being plotted, represented by bars, columns, lines, or other chart elements.

6. Data Points: Individual values within a data series, often represented by markers or symbols.

7. Chart Area: The entire region where the chart is drawn.

8. Plot Area: The inner region of the chart where the data is actually plotted.

Q.13. Define the following terms. 

(I) Embedded chart (II) Chart sheet.

Ans. Here are the definitions:

(I) _Embedded Chart_: A chart that is inserted directly into a worksheet, allowing you to view and interact with the chart alongside the data.

(II) _Chart Sheet_: A separate sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart, without any underlying data. The chart is the sole focus of the sheet.

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